Sunday, March 4, 2012

18 weeks

This week:

EDD/How far along? 18 weeks 2 days
Symptoms check-in: Back pain and a lot of it!
Aversions/Cravings: Cant have anything with garlic in it, and no cravings today
Any Appointments?  3/13
Weight check-in: 114
Any baby-related purchases/nursery progress? No purchases! We worked on the house and the nursery this weekend prepping for paint and new flooring!
Team green/boy/girl? Team Green!
Best thing to happen the past week/worst? We worked on our new home this weekend and got so much accomplished!!! I cant wait till we can move in!!
Updated belly photo:
From the front

From the side

At 18 weeks:
Baby is the size of a sweet potato
Can hear my heart beat, stomach growl, and my voice
Weighs between 5 & 7 oz
Is about 5 1/2" long
Can now swallow, kick, suck, roll, and flex it's muscles

1 comment:

  1. That baby is flexing his/her muscles now :).
